Our Service
The aim of Fino is to maximally fit its service on requirements of a customer, also to be compatible to acting legislation and international standards. Technologies introduced in our services stipulates timely informing of the customer on interesting issues and gives opportunity to plan the business correctly.
Accounting and tax recording
Distant accounting
Full accounting and tax recording remotely.
Financial Division
Full accounting and tax recording on the customer’s object by sending the minor accountant, with full working hours.
Renewal of accounting base
Full accounting and tax recording renewal of the last period.
Audit and consulting
Financial audit
Checking of financial reporting of the customer (balance, profit-loss, cash flow, reporting of amendments in the capital, management reporting), in order to establish compatibility of their financial accounting with international standards.
Tax adviser
Giving recommendations to the company’s representative, relevant to acting tax law.
Tax audit
Full check of tax accounting of the last period, calculating of taxes and compare with submitted declarations.
Current tax audit
Full monitoring of each year and tax audit
Tax audit of business processes
Relevance of recording of economic operations to tax law.
Tax recommendation
Preparation of recommendations, relevant to tax law, on submitted question by the customer, legislation registry on which this recommendations is based on.
Managerial accounting
Financial manager
Financial and management reporting compatible to economic operations of the customer (for example: balance sheet, profit-loss statement, cash flow statement, reporting of amendments in the capital, management reporting).
Managerial recording
Reporting worked out individually on economic operations of the customer.
Determining the actual state of accounting balances