What Small Businesses Need to Survive the Coronavirus Crisis

It’s important that small businesses weather the pandemic. Here are three ways entrepreneurs can protect themselves.

Secure liquidity 

In order to combat this short-term challenge, small business owners should advocate for efforts to provide immediate liquidity and keep businesses solvent.

Ensure access to capital

For franchise businesses, liquidity is just part of the equation. In order to help small businesses make payroll and cover expenses — including paid sick leave, paid FMLA, and loan repayment — a relief plan tailored to small businesses is in order.

Engage with policy-makers

The method is less important than the message, and the message is this: small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities and economy; we need relief in the midst of this crisis.

Accessing the capital you need and maximizing liquidity now are the most important things we can do to survive; getting that message to legislators who hold the key to our economic future is how we do it.

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